Building up Hillyard’s youth one Shirt At a time

When you purchase a Hillyard Built shirt, you’re investing in Hillyard’s youth and our community. Hillyard Built has made a commitment to donating 100% of proceeds to help Hillyard’s youth participate in enrichment programs. A child should not be denied participation because they cannot afford the tuition, fee or gear required. Every child deserves equal access to all programs made available to them.

Your t-shirt purchase may help a child play an instrument, attend a camp, hire a tutor, play in Hoopfest, replace old cleats, attend a workshop…seriously the options are endless!

As of December 2024, we have donated over $17,500 worth of merchandise and grants to help Hillyard’s youth participate in enriching programs!

Hillyard Chick

Women’s Hillyard Chick Workout Tank
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Hillyard Chicks
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Hillyard Chick Crewneck
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Hillyard Chick Earrings
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