Make a Difference

Hillyard Built is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. If you feel compelled to donate, we have a few of our favorite options listed below. If you have an idea, please share with us.

Become A Monthly Donor:

  • Help us keep our funds replenished by donating as little as $10 per month! To us, that’s one trip to a coffee shop, a monthly streaming service, a cocktail at dinner…a gym membership. To a Hillyard youth that could mean so much more. If you can find a way to sign up for a monthly donation that will be automatically withdrawn on the same day each month that you register, we and our Hillyard youth would be incredibly grateful!

    • When you sign up to be a monthly donor, you will be entered into that quarter’s drawing which could be merchandise, a gift card, gift baskets or other great prizes!

    • Our monthly donors also receive early access to new merchandise!

Purchase Hillyard Built Merchandise and donate to a Hillyard school

  • Not only does your purchase raise funds to help Hillyard youth participate in programs, but you’re also providing Hillayrd Built apparel and accessories to a youth. Upon checkout, choose the pick up option: “Donation To Hillyard Youth”. Many schools have a supply of clothing reserved for students to utilize when they are in need. If you have a specific school that you would like the merchandise to be delivered, send us an email or message and let us know. Otherwise, we will cycle through the schools in Hillyard and will deliver the donated merchandise.

add Funds to our Screen-Printing Account

  • Keeping inventory in stock has been proven expensive and sometimes difficult! We print when funds are available to do so, which the trend has been about every 6 weeks. You can help us print more often OR print in larger quantities by adding funds to our account at Greenburo Printing and Embroidery. This will also free up funds so we can grant more Hillyard youth scholarship applications!

  • Greenburo is open Monday-Friday from 8am-4pm 509-484-1700

Donate Cash, Checks or send via VENMO

  • Every penny helps us achieve our goal of helping Hillyard youth participate in enriching programs. We will accept ANY amount you can gift.

  • You can send money to our business account on VENMO

  • Send us an email if you’d like to mail or meet up to exchange cash or check.

Contribute to A Specific Request

  • We have an entire page dedicated to the current Hillyard youth requests. They range from sports programs and gear to summer camps and college supplies. If you would like to know exactly how your contribution is utilized, this is your best option. Click here to go to our Active Requests page.

Make A One-Time Donation

Hillyard Built is a 501(c)3 non profit organization tax ID 88-2340581